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ow would you like to uncover a "secret" way of making money day after day without worrying about advertising results, marketing techniques or having to deal with customers?

I call this a "secret" because 99% of the people online today searching for a way to make money from their own home business don't know about this hardly-talked-about method.

But you're about to discover, right here on this page, a surefire way to multiply your income that will change your life forever. And all the normal "excuses" anyone could have for starting their own home business will simply melt away.

And here's why:

  • You can start with a budget of less than $50. You'll soon see how you can make more money by starting at a higher level but there is no large upfront cost necessary.

  • You don't need to be a marketing expert to make money. Since you don't have to deal with customers you don't have to worry about "getting people" into your business.
  • You can do this business from anywhere in the world (all you need is a computer with an internet connection, and be able to read plain English).

  • You can do this in your spare time and so still keep your current job (although I doubt you'll want to!). You'll soon see how this business basically runs on Auto-Pilot. No long hours to invest hoping that some day "all the hard work will pay off."

Frankly, you don't need much to start making profits with this business. In fact, you'll see in a minute that you need ...

No website ... No customers ... No products ... No mailing list ... No advertising budget... No down-line (it's not Multi-Level-Marketing) ... No selling skills or internet skills whatsoever ... No big monetary investment ... No prior experience or special skills of any kind (You can get started in less than an hour)

Now at this point you're probably wondering ...


"What On Earth Could Be This Profitable 
And Easy At The Same Time?"

When I first got wind of this incredible home business all my defenses immediately went up and my first thoughts were "hold on to your money!" and "It's too good to be true!" I was shocked to discovered this hidden, yet simple and risk-free strategy to make money, right from the comfort of my home, with so little effort.


Click Here! 


Lazy Person Secrets To Overnight Wealth & Fame

There are so many simple, yet really sure-fire ways of acquiring wealth, it's a wonder everybody with even the least bit of ambition isn't already rich. When you come right down to it, the only things needed for anyone to make bundles of money are the long-range vision and the energy to put a money-making plan into force.   One of the easiest methods of building wealth, and the one most often used by the "smart" people, is to furnish the expertise, equipment or growth capital to promising beginning business.

Basically, you buy in as either a part owner or limited partner; then, as the busines grows and propers with your help, you reap your share of rewards.  The beautiful part about this whole concept is that you can repeat this procedure over and over again. You can start out with, say marketing and sales leadership for small, garage-type business; then with your holdings and earnings from that business, invest in another, and keep doing this until you own a part of twenty-five to an unlimited number of businesses. Looking at the idea from a dollar return point of view, if you were getting $200 per month from 25 different business, your monthly income would amount to no less than $5,000 and that's not too bad for a fledgling millionaire.

Look around your own area. With just a little bit of business sense and perception, you're sure to find hundreds of small businesses that could do better--perhaps even become giants in their--with your help. Most small businesses need, and would welcome marketing, promotional, advertising, and sales help. If a quick survey of business turns you on with enthusiasm about the potential profits to be made with just a few changes that you can suggest, then you are on your way.

Basically, you set up an appointment to see and talk with business owners about some ideas and help that could double or triple their profits. When you approach them in that manner, their almost certain to want to see you and hear want you have to say.  In prepartion for your meeting, set your ideas down on paper. Put them together in an impressive marketing or profit potential folio. Outline your ideas, the costs involved and the ultimate profit to be gained. Then, when you arrive for the meeting, be sure to look and act the part of a successful business person. A few pleasantries to break the ice, and begin with your presentation. Through your proposal, you must instill confidence that you can do all you claim for him. Guide him or her through the presentation to the ultimate profits---- all for a 10 or 20 percent limited partnership in the business, which really won't cost him anything. Of course, if he is reluctant to give up any part of his ownership, you come back with the idea of being hired as a consultant.

Almost all small businesses need help of some kind. The owners get bogged down in a myraid of every day problems and things to do. They find there just are not enough hours in the day to handle everything that should be taken care of, and end up neglecting or putting off some of the things they should be doing to keep the business prosperous. As a result, the long struggle for business survival begins, with more than 60% of them selling out at a loss or just closing up shop.

The other way to " cut yourself in" on a piece of someone else's business is to supply needed money. If you can come up with 10 or 15 thousand dollars, you can easily "buy into" some small businesses. Be sure to look the business ( and its market potential) over; but once you spot one that can really be a winner with just a little bit of operating cash or money for expansion, then start figuring!

You can reach a never ending supply of such businesses to choose from, simply by running a small advertisement in your daily newspaper in the Classified section under the heading of Business Opportunities Wanted. Such an ad might read:


By the same token, make it a habit to look through the Business Opportunities available on a regular basis. Mark a few each day and follow up. Check them out, and see what kind of a deal is being offered. Remember, proper management and planning are basically the ingredients to success in business; and most small businesses just do not have these ingredients in the proportions needed to attain their greatest profit potential.

Other people have done it, and more are starting up every day. There's no reason why you can't do it. In most cases little or no cash is needed. But with a little bit of action on your part, you could quickly become a multi-business owner, and very wealthy as well.


Earn $263,000 a year by "flipping websites"

The Advantages of Buying a Website
The big advantage of buying a site is you don’t have to establish an audience and wait for the site to be indexed within search engines. Most webmasters, even those that don’t know their SEO from their XML, will understand the benefit of link exchanges. Even the most poorly managed sites should have some form of backlink network developed and return a result in the major search engines. It may not be a top ten search result but it will be a result ready for you to optimize and improve.  Taking over a mature site (at least 12 months old) will mean you avoid the Google sandbox, a significant perk of buying established web property. Of course it really depends at what stage you take over a website as to how much of a step-up you gain and will no doubt reflect how much the owner will expect to receive.

Top 7 Website Acquisition Strategies
1) Buy a site that has targeted traffic for a product or service you already produce or sell. 
2) Buy a site to generate advertising revenue.
3) Buy a site specifically to flip it quickly. 
4) Ideally you should locate e-commerce sites selling a product that has an established market that is only just starting to take off online AND the current owners are not good at search engine optimization or online marketing and are willing to sell.
5) Purchase a community driven site. 
6) Remove the competition or merge with the competition.
7) Purchase a site strictly for the domain name. 

Start earning over $200,000 annually Click Here! 

Buying the Website
Once you find a good site that meets your criteria start monitoring and researching it. Check back links, investigate it’s history and if the site has a community see what goes on there. Check the site design, the structure of the links, headings, titles and keyword density. Check the site statistics if they are available.

Don’t Forget the Little Details
1) Transfer of the domain name registration details, the business name, incorporation information, hosting ownership and any third party software or subscriptions to your name
2) Get a contract made up outlining the deal and have all parties sign and date it
3) Download the email lists. 
4) Outline how much support, if any, will be provided by the ex-owner for a transition period. 

Be a Millionaire, FLIP WEBSITES!!!  Click Here! 

Start a Web 2.0 Company & Become a Millonaire

Chances are, if you’re reading this blog - or any blog for that matter - you have probably come across a “Web 2.0″ company. 

The definition of a Web 2.0 company is still debated, but in general you can spot a Web 2.0 company by its features. 

Web 2.0 companies often employ one (or all) of the following features in its website:
  1. social networking & wiki
  2. communication tools - like chat clients or SMS tools
  3. it’s constantly in “beta”
But a new study released by Ernst & Young and Dow Jones VentureOne at the Web Ventures Conference in California revealed that $844.4 million of Venture Capital (VC) funding was directed into 167 deals.

Research shows that on a global basis, Web 2.0 is still in an early stage and there remain relatively few liquidity exits for companies in this space, although there have been particularly noteworthy ones like Google’s (NASDAQ: Goog) US$1.65 billion acquisition of YouTube. In addition, because of the nature of this kind of business — which does not seem to require a tremendous amount of technology infrastructure — the research shows that individual deals are relatively modest.

The US dominates the Web 2.0 market, with 126 deals and US$682.7 million invested, an 83% increase in deals and a 136% increase in capital. On a sub-regional basis, the San Francisco Bay Area was the busiest region in the US for Web 2.0 deals and was home to more than half of all financings last year. The New York metropolitan area, Southern California and New England also saw tremendous growth in deal flow and investment.

From the investor perspective, the low capital requirements, potential high return and the faster time from development to revenue are the primary drivers of the increase in venture capital investment in the Web 2.0 segment. In addition, success stories such as YouTube have had a positive impact both on entrepreneurs and investors.

It’s interesting to note, however, that while money is being thrown around like there’s no tomorrow, the experts claim that we are not entering into the dangerous “bubble territory.” Personally, I think it’s a little premature to say that. Sure Web 2.0 is hip, cool, full of goodness, and has a lot of strong followers (how many people visit YouTube each day?), but there are very few companies that have turned their innovative web idea of novelty app into some sort of revenue-generating product or service. There’s only so much money you can make off of Adsense and other online advertising, and these Web 2.0 companies are going to have to develop revenue-generating plans. As far as I can see, the VC's seem to be jumping on board the Web 2.0 companies a little too fast, worrying more about being late to the game that making sure that the company is actually going to provide a return from the general population. Right now, it appears the most promising revenue is coming from Web 2.0 companies aimed at servicing the B2B market.

I love the Web 2.0 revolution and the amazing web development that we’ve seen from it - but turning that revolution into a sustainable business model is going to prove to be difficult for most.  However it can be done?

So what web ideas have you had?  You may just be sitting on a multi-million dollar idea!


Welcome to our blog.

Over the years we've helped many people become financially successful using the web.  Many of our clients have reached and maintained millionaire status without working traditionally.  The best part of all is that were able to put their earning capacity on auto pilot.  In other words the world wide web made money for them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We're going to help you reach millionaire status as well.

Again, thanks for joining us!